June 21, 2020
  Hashing notice
  After multiple rounds of internal testing and optimization, the KrSYS technical team has now launched the windows computing pool. Users are welcome to download the mining tool at the official website
Users participating in this mining activity must complete account verification before 23:00 on June 19, 2020.
Described as follows.
Step Name Period(EDT) Task
A Program test June 21, 2020 to June 24, 2020 At least 1 hour online.
B Hash test June 24, 2020 to July 10, 2020 Provide at least 20M/s GPU computing power or 1000H/s CPU computing power for at least 240 hours online.
C Settlement rewards Every day. Get mining rewards automatically.
D Referral rewards End of this period. Recommend friends to mine for EXTRA rewards. Need to complete tasks A and B.
The range is level 1 and level 2 friends.The reward comes from the first 80,000 blocks of the block.

KrSYS block description:
The total amount is 36,000,000 coins, the block interval is 60 seconds, and each block is 3.6 coins.
There are 80,000 unpublic mined blocks, with a total of 288,000 coins . Now ,we used for rewards of various activities.

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